Greetings, in the Matchless and Magnificent name of Jesus Christ our Lord! It is our hope and prayer that you will be blessed by our devoted, affectionate, spirit-filled congregation of believers. You will find that we are a loving, caring and giving church operating for the manifestation of His glory in the Earth (For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. ~ Romans 8:19).  We believe in ushering in the power of the Holy Ghost through effectual and fervent prayer, sincere praise and true, passionate worship. We express and communicate to God’s people the importance of self-denial, self-restraint, and living a victorious life over sin by being epistles of true holiness.

We know that you are here, not by coincidence, but by God’s divine plan for discovering His purpose for your life (The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. ~ Psalms 37:23).  We pray that all who enter in will experience the authentic power of the Holy Ghost, and leave permanently changed by the glory of His presence. Be blessed!

Bishop-Elect Quincy & Lady Michelle Griffin

Bishop-Elect Quincy and Lady Michelle Griffin

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